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Casino Copenhagen

Nordic Open 2024: 176 spillere kom videre til Dag 2, fra starterne

Fidan Zahiti, DM 2022, Casino Copenhagen, Live Poker, Poker, Pokernyheder
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Casino Copenhagen er kommet igennem alle startdagene, hvor 176 klarede sig videre, og nu skal der spilles Dag 2, hvor man også kan købe sig direkte ind, hvis man har mod på det.

Nordic Open 2024 hos Casino Copenhagen er kommet igennem alle deres Dag 1 starter, og her fik de totalt klemt 734 entries igennem ved pokerbordene. Den sidste startdag 1C, endte ud med at have 204 spillere, der lavede re-entry 53 gange, og herfra gik der 61 spillere videre, til Dag 2.

Nordic Open 2024, Casino Copenhagen, Live Poker, Poker, Pokernyheder
Artikel foto: Nordic Open 2024, Casino Copenhagen

Lars Mikkelsen

Poker Manager Lars Mikkelsen fortæller… 176 spillere er gået videre fra de 3 startdage, og da vi kapacitet til 240 spillere, så er der nu åbnet for flere Dag 2 entries, hvor der i skrivende stund (kl. 04:00) er tilmeldt 36 spillere, så der er stadig plads, hvis man vil have “en bid af kagen”. Præmier vil blive offentliggjort efter level 2 på Dag 2, da late reg/re-entry periode er overstået. Vores 2-dages 5K turnering havde ingen interesse, så vi lavede en anden turnering. 7 cash games var desuden i gang, og det tilbyder vi naturligvis igen ifm Dag 2. Tilmeld dig online her

Herunder kan du se hvem der kom videre fra 1C, Samlede counts, og Dag 2 seatings.

Nordic Open 2024 – Dag 1C

1 Mikkel Jensen 375700
2 Fidan Zahiti 316000
3 Martin Qvist 303400
4 Almir Tursunovic 243800
5 Peter Jørgensen 205900
6 Mudassar Khan 190800
7 Peter Sobfeldt 189500
8 Ole Toft 187100
9 Frank Jespersen 182700
10 Jesper Johansson 179300
11 Nicolas Mollel 174200
12 Amir  Ali Vesnic 165000
13 Peter Berg 162800
14 Vinh Ba Nguyen 152900
15 Andreas Ottosen 141900
16 Jens Schmidt 133700
17 Mikkal Czajkowski 133600
18 Nicolai Hansen 117100
19 Kasper Jønsson 105200
20 Mohammed El-Khatib 103100
21 Shekhar Kumar Daima 98500
22 Nikolai Tofte 97800
23 Kian Olesen 97500
24 Johnny Mehl Hansen 96700
25 Jakob Felsager 93000
26 Dennis Kristensen 89100
27 Sebastian Sørensen 83300
28 Chan La 81600
29 Ionut Ipate 80100
30 Emil Clausen 80000
31 Jostein Haugum 79000
32 Björn Arvidsson 78200
33 Erling Gresvoll Olsen 78000
34 Aos Almsalam 77200
35 Martin Aksel Andersen 73900
36 Emmet Smith 71500
37 Bo Kjær Erichsen 70900
38 Liem Huynh 68300
39 Thomas Stefansson 68300
40 Jimmi Schøndorff 66300
41 Jasmin Mahmutovic 65300
42 Henrik Ljørring 64100
43 Jannick Wrang 62500
44 Labinot Zulfaj 61400
45 Cemil Incegul 60900
46 Lars Iver Erdal-Aase 60800
47 Ole Fjeldgaard Kristensen 59700
48 Mark Junge 58900
49 Mikkel Chung 53200
50 Daniel Nielsen 49700
51 Jesper Hansen 47200
52 Daniel Monty 46800
53 Jacob Jørgensen 45700
54 Karsten Larsen 43600
55 Thomas Schultz Larsen 41300
56 Thomas Nielsen 38300
57 Denis Meyer 35000
58 Tommi Dannemarre 32700
59 Jonberg a Myrini 24600
60 Kim Bresling 11700
61 Niklas Lund 10600

Nordic Open 2024 – Samlede Counts

1 Nima Musavian 382200
2 Mikkel Jensen 375700
3 Fidan Zahiti 316000
4 Martin Qvist 303400
5 Rafet Bulic 283300
6 Max Lohse 282000
7 Almir Tursunovic 243800
8 Johnny Jensen 230000
9 Kristjan Edvardsson 209100
10 Peter Jørgensen 205900
11 Rickard Eklind 204900
12 Andreas Møller 198800
13 Luigi Agatino Corseti 196700
14 Driton Konxheli 193400
15 Mudassar Khan 190800
16 Alex Mørch 190300
17 Peter Sobfeldt 189500
18 Ditlev Husum 188000
19 Ole Toft 187100
20 Frank Jespersen 182700
21 Martin Hofmann 181500
22 Jesper Johansson 179300
23 Nicolas Mollel 174200
24 Martin Prager 171900
25 Ali Sarwary 166400
26 Amir  Ali Vesnic 165000
27 Peter Berg 162800
28 Thomas Quaade 159200
29 Marcus Wuttke 156100
30 Anders Schoubye 156000
31 Mike Hansen 154000
32 Vinh Ba Nguyen 152900
33 Jakob Priess 152400
34 Tommy Eriksson 149700
35 Bennie Laursen 148700
36 Andreas Ottosen 141900
37 Nicklas Dehli 139700
38 Minik Bolø 139700
39 Zoran Mitic 135600
40 Stine Andersen 134400
41 Jens Schmidt 133700
42 Mikkal Czajkowski 133600
43 Helge Rahbek 133500
44 Ali Qais 133500
45 Jens Christian Nielsen 131600
46 Ali Chaker 131500
47 Kamal Azizi 130100
48 Christian Skovhus 127800
49 Thomas Hølmer 126000
50 Daniel Tseng 125700
51 Daniel Lindholm 119600
52 Henrik Olsen 119100
53 Mikkel Sørensen 119000
54 Mike Jonassen 118400
55 Mina Mikhael 117900
56 Nicolai Hansen 117100
57 Cayetano V De La Vega 117000
58 Frans Schmidt 114900
59 Nedzib Suman 114000
60 Kim Guldager 112500
61 Malin Sjöö 111200
62 Semih Ercan 109500
63 Ramez Agha 108200
64 Jacob Kjøller 108000
65 Gabrielle De Martis 105900
66 Mads Onsberg 105600
67 Kasper Jønsson 105200
68 Jan Lund 103200
69 Mohammed El-Khatib 103100
70 Ashok Sharma-Shoko 101800
71 Georg Ibrahim 101600
72 Razvan Cretu 100400
73 Jacob Pahuus Witt 100300
74 Mikkel Georgsen 98700
75 Shekhar Kumar Daima 98500
76 Nikolai Tofte 97800
77 Omar Chaker 97600
78 Kian Olesen 97500
79 Johnny Mehl Hansen 96700
80 Jørgen Jespersen 96600
81 Raphael Stahl 95500
82 Birkan Cakar 95200
83 Patrick Kongsted Nielsen 93100
84 Jens Bundgaard Lauritzen 93100
85 Jakob Felsager 93000
86 Peter Holger 91900
87 Pooya Parayandeh 91300
88 Marco Prügel Jørgensen 91000
89 Anders Kharoubi 90500
90 Dennis Kristensen 89100
91 Stefan Køie 88500
92 Magnus G Svensson 88300
93 Mads Laursen 86500
94 Erikas Marciulevicius 83800
95 Sebastian Sørensen 83300
96 Thomas Jespersen 81700
97 Chan La 81600
98 Mads Borregaard 81300
99 Mikkel Nielsen 81200
100 Henning Nielsen 80800
101 Bo Mcbride 80400
102 Wissam Manoune 80100
103 Ionut Ipate 80100
104 Emil Clausen 80000
105 Oguzhan Dastan 79300
106 Jostein Haugum 79000
107 Henrik Jeppsson 78700
108 Björn Arvidsson 78200
109 Marcus Hallabro 78100
110 Erling Gresvoll Olsen 78000
111 Aos Almsalam 77200
112 Erik Østergaard 74600
113 Martin Aksel Andersen 73900
114 Charlotte Thorberg 73600
115 Emmet Smith 71500
116 Bo Kjær Erichsen 70900
117 Ahmad El-Abed 70800
118 Thomas Staalager 70500
119 Liem Huynh 68300
120 Thomas Stefansson 68300
121 Peter Sørensen 67700
122 Martin Ox 67600
123 Berjar Rustom 67300
124 Jimmi Schøndorff 66300
125 Isi Nadelmann 66100
126 Jasmin Mahmutovic 65300
127 Jan Nordly 65100
128 Mikael Brorsson 64400
129 Henrik Ljørring 64100
130 Martin Clemmensen 62700
131 Jannick Wrang 62500
132 Labinot Zulfaj 61400
133 Cemil Incegul 60900
134 Lars Iver Erdal-Aase 60800
135 Philip Vabø 60500
136 Ole Fjeldgaard Kristensen 59700
137 Mark Junge 58900
138 Ramy Zeraiq 58800
139 Borgki Biba 58200
140 Mthfar Al Hamede 56100
141 Lars Christoffersen 55400
142 Nicolai Ejstrud 55300
143 Lasse Høimark 53800
144 Mikkel Chung 53200
145 Daniel Palsson 50700
146 Daniel Nielsen 49700
147 Carsten Qvist 49600
148 Jan Seerup 48900
149 Tanja Jensen 48700
150 Jesper Hansen 47200
151 Daniel Monty 46800
152 Martin Wendt 45900
153 Jon Isaksen 45700
154 Jacob Jørgensen 45700
155 Tarek Heliehel 45300
156 Nicolai Wiese 44000
157 Karsten Larsen 43600
158 Thomas Schultz Larsen 41300
159 Brian Sandberg 39200
160 Thomas Nielsen 38300
161 Alice Næsager 37500
162 Philip Nannberg 37000
163 Denis Meyer 35000
164 Andreas Broch 34500
165 Simon Stagis 33000
166 Tommi Dannemarre 32700
167 Kim Koch 30600
168 Tariq Latif 30000
169 Henrik Brun 29200
170 Jan Christoffersen 27300
171 Jonberg a Myrini 24600
172 Henry Wester 22400
173 Kenneth Kurland 21800
174 Thomas Ottesen 19600
175 Kim Bresling 11700
176 Niklas Lund 10600

Nordic Open 2024 – Dag 2, Seatings

TABLE 2 SEAT 1 Henning Nielsen 80800
TABLE 2 SEAT 2 Tanja Jensen 48700
TABLE 2 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 2 SEAT 4 Thomas Quaade 159200
TABLE 2 SEAT 5 Ali Chaker 131500
TABLE 2 SEAT 6 Ramez Agha 108200
TABLE 2 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 2 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 2 SEAT 9 Peter Sørensen 67700
TABLE 2 SEAT 10 Cemil Incegul 60900
TABLE 3 SEAT 1 Peter Sobfeldt 189500
TABLE 3 SEAT 2 Ramy Zeraiq 58800
TABLE 3 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 3 SEAT 4 Raphael Stahl 95500
TABLE 3 SEAT 5 Oguzhan Dastan 79300
TABLE 3 SEAT 6 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 3 SEAT 7 Mikael Brorsson 64400
TABLE 3 SEAT 8 Liem Huynh 68300
TABLE 3 SEAT 9 Martin Aksel Andersen 73900
TABLE 3 SEAT 10 Kamal Azizi 130100
TABLE 4 SEAT 1 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 4 SEAT 2 Mike Jonassen 118400
TABLE 4 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 4 SEAT 4 Jon Isaksen 45700
TABLE 4 SEAT 5 Georg Ibrahim 101600
TABLE 4 SEAT 6 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 4 SEAT 7 Andreas Broch 34500
TABLE 4 SEAT 8 Mike Hansen 154000
TABLE 4 SEAT 9 Lasse Høimark 53800
TABLE 4 SEAT 10 Jan Seerup 48900
TABLE 5 SEAT 1 Jacob Jørgensen 45700
TABLE 5 SEAT 2 Karsten Larsen 43600
TABLE 5 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 5 SEAT 4 Andreas Ottosen 141900
TABLE 5 SEAT 5 Razvan Cretu 100400
TABLE 5 SEAT 6 Kristjan Edvardsson 209100
TABLE 5 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 5 SEAT 8 Jakob Priess 152400
TABLE 5 SEAT 9 Ditlev Husum 188000
TABLE 5 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 6 SEAT 1 Ole Toft 187100
TABLE 6 SEAT 2 Nima Musavian 382200
TABLE 6 SEAT 3 Jacob Pahuus Witt 100300
TABLE 6 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 6 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 6 SEAT 6 Daniel Palsson 50700
TABLE 6 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 6 SEAT 8 Magnus G Svensson 88300
TABLE 6 SEAT 9 Björn Arvidsson 78200
TABLE 6 SEAT 10 Ionut Ipate 80100
TABLE 7 SEAT 1 Gabrielle De Martis 105900
TABLE 7 SEAT 2 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 7 SEAT 3 Rickard Eklind 204900
TABLE 7 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 7 SEAT 5 Mudassar Khan 190800
TABLE 7 SEAT 6 Ahmad El-Abed 70800
TABLE 7 SEAT 7 Henry Wester 22400
TABLE 7 SEAT 8 Peter Jørgensen 205900
TABLE 7 SEAT 9 Thomas Stefansson 68300
TABLE 7 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 8 SEAT 1 Ole Fjeldgaard Kristensen 59700
TABLE 8 SEAT 2 Johnny Mehl Hansen 96700
TABLE 8 SEAT 3 Thomas Staalager 70500
TABLE 8 SEAT 4 Kim Koch 30600
TABLE 8 SEAT 5 Marcus Wuttke 156100
TABLE 8 SEAT 6 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 8 SEAT 7 Denis Meyer 35000
TABLE 8 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 8 SEAT 9 Anders Schoubye 156000
TABLE 8 SEAT 10 Frans Schmidt 114900
TABLE 9 SEAT 1 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 9 SEAT 2 Pooya Parayandeh 91300
TABLE 9 SEAT 3 Marco Prügel Jørgensen 91000
TABLE 9 SEAT 4 Thomas Nielsen 38300
TABLE 9 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 9 SEAT 6 Peter Holger 91900
TABLE 9 SEAT 7 Minik Bolø 139700
TABLE 9 SEAT 8 Jesper Hansen 47200
TABLE 9 SEAT 9 Bo Kjær Erichsen 70900
TABLE 9 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 10 SEAT 1 Jens Schmidt 133700
TABLE 10 SEAT 2 Malin Sjöö 111200
TABLE 10 SEAT 3 Mikkel Jensen 375700
TABLE 10 SEAT 4 Daniel Lindholm 119600
TABLE 10 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 10 SEAT 6 Dennis Kristensen 89100
TABLE 10 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 10 SEAT 8 Nicolas Mollel 174200
TABLE 10 SEAT 9 Stefan Køie 88500
TABLE 10 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 11 SEAT 1 Mohammed El-Khatib 103100
TABLE 11 SEAT 2 Henrik Jeppsson 78700
TABLE 11 SEAT 3 Wissam Manoune 80100
TABLE 11 SEAT 4 Nicolai Hansen 117100
TABLE 11 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 11 SEAT 6 Frank Jespersen 182700
TABLE 11 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 11 SEAT 8 Almir Tursunovic 243800
TABLE 11 SEAT 9 Jan Christoffersen 27300
TABLE 11 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 12 SEAT 1 Patrick Kongsted Nielsen 93100
TABLE 12 SEAT 2 Aos Almsalam 77200
TABLE 12 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 12 SEAT 4 Mina Mikhael 117900
TABLE 12 SEAT 5 Martin Wendt 45900
TABLE 12 SEAT 6 Cayetano V De La Vega 117000
TABLE 12 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 12 SEAT 8 Philip Nannberg 37000
TABLE 12 SEAT 9 Jan Nordly 65100
TABLE 12 SEAT 10 Daniel Tseng 125700
TABLE 13 SEAT 1 Erling Gresvoll Olsen 78000
TABLE 13 SEAT 2 Jannick Wrang 62500
TABLE 13 SEAT 3 Bo Mcbride 80400
TABLE 13 SEAT 4 Jacob Kjøller 108000
TABLE 13 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 13 SEAT 6 Kasper Jønsson 105200
TABLE 13 SEAT 7 Alex Mørch 190300
TABLE 13 SEAT 8 Henrik Olsen 119100
TABLE 13 SEAT 9 Tariq Latif 30000
TABLE 13 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 14 SEAT 1 Sebastian Sørensen 83300
TABLE 14 SEAT 2 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 14 SEAT 3 Carsten Qvist 49600
TABLE 14 SEAT 4 Niklas Lund 10600
TABLE 14 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 14 SEAT 6 Mikkel Sørensen 119000
TABLE 14 SEAT 7 Marcus Hallabro 78100
TABLE 14 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 14 SEAT 9 Rafet Bulic 283300
TABLE 14 SEAT 10 Jens Bundgaard Lauritzen 93100
TABLE 15 SEAT 1 Jan Lund 103200
TABLE 15 SEAT 2 Thomas Jespersen 81700
TABLE 15 SEAT 3 Brian Sandberg 39200
TABLE 15 SEAT 4 Jørgen Jespersen 96600
TABLE 15 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 15 SEAT 6 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 15 SEAT 7 Philip Vabø 60500
TABLE 15 SEAT 8 Vinh Ba Nguyen 152900
TABLE 15 SEAT 9 Kian Olesen 97500
TABLE 15 SEAT 10 Nedzib Suman 114000
TABLE 16 SEAT 1 Jakob Felsager 93000
TABLE 16 SEAT 2 Henrik Brun 29200
TABLE 16 SEAT 3 Lars Iver Erdal-Aase 60800
TABLE 16 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 16 SEAT 5 Mark Junge 58900
TABLE 16 SEAT 6 Chan La 81600
TABLE 16 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 16 SEAT 8 Helge Rahbek 133500
TABLE 16 SEAT 9 Tommi Dannemarre 32700
TABLE 16 SEAT 10 Mikkel Nielsen 81200
TABLE 17 SEAT 1 Charlotte Thorberg 73600
TABLE 17 SEAT 2 Jostein Haugum 79000
TABLE 17 SEAT 3 Ashok Sharma-Shoko 101800
TABLE 17 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 17 SEAT 5 Mthfar Al Hamede 56100
TABLE 17 SEAT 6 Mads Borregaard 81300
TABLE 17 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 17 SEAT 8 Christian Skovhus 127800
TABLE 17 SEAT 9 Omar Chaker 97600
TABLE 17 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 18 SEAT 1 Lars Christoffersen 55400
TABLE 18 SEAT 2 Martin Qvist 303400
TABLE 18 SEAT 3 Kim Bresling 11700
TABLE 18 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 18 SEAT 5 Mikkel Chung 53200
TABLE 18 SEAT 6 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 18 SEAT 7 Nikolai Tofte 97800
TABLE 18 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 18 SEAT 9 Berjar Rustom 67300
TABLE 18 SEAT 10 Max Lohse 282000
TABLE 19 SEAT 1 Stine Andersen 134400
TABLE 19 SEAT 2 Emmet Smith 71500
TABLE 19 SEAT 3 Peter Berg 162800
TABLE 19 SEAT 4 Jasmin Mahmutovic 65300
TABLE 19 SEAT 5 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 19 SEAT 6 Tarek Heliehel 45300
TABLE 19 SEAT 7 Daniel Nielsen 49700
TABLE 19 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 19 SEAT 9 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 19 SEAT 10 Kenneth Kurland 21800
TABLE 20 SEAT 1 Isi Nadelmann 66100
TABLE 20 SEAT 2 Jens Christian Nielsen 131600
TABLE 20 SEAT 3 Kim Guldager 112500
TABLE 20 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 20 SEAT 5 Erikas Marciulevicius 83800
TABLE 20 SEAT 6 Martin Ox 67600
TABLE 20 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 20 SEAT 8 Jonberg a Myrini 24600
TABLE 20 SEAT 9 Luigi Agatino Corseti 196700
TABLE 20 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 21 SEAT 1 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 21 SEAT 2 Daniel Monty 46800
TABLE 21 SEAT 3 Jimmi Schøndorff 66300
TABLE 21 SEAT 4 Thomas Schultz Larsen 41300
TABLE 21 SEAT 5 Shekhar Kumar Daima 98500
TABLE 21 SEAT 6 Ali Sarwary 166400
TABLE 21 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 21 SEAT 8 Andreas Møller 198800
TABLE 21 SEAT 9 Birkan Cakar 95200
TABLE 21 SEAT 10 Erik Østergaard 74600
TABLE 22 SEAT 1 Mads Laursen 86500
TABLE 22 SEAT 2 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 22 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 22 SEAT 4 Driton Konxheli 193400
TABLE 22 SEAT 5 Mads Onsberg 105600
TABLE 22 SEAT 6 Martin Hofmann 181500
TABLE 22 SEAT 7 Henrik Ljørring 64100
TABLE 22 SEAT 8 Fidan Zahiti 316000
TABLE 22 SEAT 9 Emil Clausen 80000
TABLE 22 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 23 SEAT 1 Bennie Laursen 148700
TABLE 23 SEAT 2 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 23 SEAT 3 Mikkel Georgsen 98700
TABLE 23 SEAT 4 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 23 SEAT 5 Labinot Zulfaj 61400
TABLE 23 SEAT 6 Simon Stagis 33000
TABLE 23 SEAT 7 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 23 SEAT 8 Nicolai Wiese 44000
TABLE 23 SEAT 9 Alice Næsager 37500
TABLE 23 SEAT 10 Zoran Mitic 135600
TABLE 24 SEAT 1 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 24 SEAT 2 Martin Prager 171900
TABLE 24 SEAT 3 Semih Ercan 109500
TABLE 24 SEAT 4 Ali Qais 133500
TABLE 24 SEAT 5 Amir  Ali Vesnic 165000
TABLE 24 SEAT 6 Borgki Biba 58200
TABLE 24 SEAT 7 Thomas Hølmer 126000
TABLE 24 SEAT 8 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 24 SEAT 9 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 24 SEAT 10 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 25 SEAT 1 Nicklas Dehli 139700
TABLE 25 SEAT 2 Jesper Johansson 179300
TABLE 25 SEAT 3 * Direct Buy-in 100K
TABLE 25 SEAT 4 Johnny Jensen 230000
TABLE 25 SEAT 5 Nicolai Ejstrud 55300
TABLE 25 SEAT 6 Thomas Ottesen 19600
TABLE 25 SEAT 7 Mikkal Czajkowski 133600
TABLE 25 SEAT 8 Anders Kharoubi 90500
TABLE 25 SEAT 9 Tommy Eriksson 149700
TABLE 25 SEAT 10 Martin Clemmensen 62700


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